HOUSTON- June 23, 2022 - The Blue Sky Maritime Coalition (BSMC) has released a new report today which recommends methodologies for calculating Scope 1 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from marine vessels.
“Consistent calculations and transparent methodologies for measuring and tracking CO2 emissions are key components for reaching the maritime industry’s decarbonization goals. This report was developed to help establish a common approach to managing data and identifying relevant comparison criteria for various emissions calculation methodologies,” said David Cummins, BSMC President and CEO.
Developed by the Measurements and Operational Efficiency Workstream, the report defines the various calculation methodologies and details the current maturity of each. The workstream concluded that consistency is critical to accurately understanding emissions from this sector, and it recommends a standardized approach for estimating both absolute and relative (i.e., intensity) Scope 1 emissions. Further, the group considered the various existing resources for emission factors, life-cycle analysis, and reporting requirements to ensure its recommendations align with current reference material. As the coalition continues to monitor emissions estimation and reporting developments, it will update this report to provide an evergreen resource for marine vessel GHG emissions.
“Measuring and monitoring are two very important components of getting to a net-zero future. It is critical that industry continue to collaborate on these approaches and this report is another step in that direction,” continued Cummins.
To read more, download a copy of the report by clicking here. For more information contact communications@bluesky-maritime.org.
About Blue Sky Maritime Coalition
Blue Sky Maritime Coalition (the Coalition) a non-profit corporation, is a strategic alliance formed to accelerate the transition of waterborne transportation in Canada and the United States toward net-zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The Coalition brings together industry, community, government, academic leadership and other stakeholders across the waterborne transportation value chain to action projects that remove barriers to accelerating development, encourage innovation, and promote policies in support of zero emissions. Learn more at www.bluesky-maritime.org.