What We Do
Our Workstreams & Projects
The Coalition acts to accelerate the U.S. and Canada maritime value chain’s pathway to net zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by jointly developing and executing a road map to a commercially viable net-zero emission logistics value chain. Cross-functional collaboration will be utilized to enable swift mobilization and tangible, sustainable results.
Through focused Workstreams, the Coalition will :
Facilitate collaboration among industry stakeholders regionally and globally
Identify, evaluate, encourage and engage in commercial and technical pathways and projects that deliver significant
near-term reductions in GHG emissions and lead to commercially viable net-zero emissions
Accelerate the development of zero emissions vessels and necessary infrastructure
Encourage innovation in commercial and operational practice to reduce emissions as
quickly as possible
Promote policies that support the transition to net-zero emissions, including policies
that monetize the benefits of reduced emissions and allocate them in the most
effective fashion